Financial Benefits

Intellibinz: an Automated Supply Chain Solution

  • Addresses hospital labor issues
  • Provides information across material use
  • Provides accurate data for increased efficiency
    and reduced waste
  • Improves staff morale and patient care
  • Integrates with existing ERP platforms
  • Saves money
  • Provide visibility across enterprise
  • Core architecture utilizes latest machine learning and customized predictive analytics (AI)

Cost of Counting

  • Must physically observe empty bins and scan for a refill
  • Analytics based on low/empty bin count only
  • Information confidence is low/empty only INFO
  • Forced to use dated KANBAN system
  • Issues in nursing: hoarding, lost time, and reduced patient care due to low inventory
  • 12-18% of inventory is lost or expired and thrown away
  • 25% of clinical staff have used or seen others use expired products
  • Often only empty bins are accounted for

Analytics and Insight

  • Provides hospital with ability to negotiate favorable contracts (Deloitte, 2022)
  • Helps storage room thresholds, preventing waste and inefficiency through SCMs
  • Analysis of trends allows for best practices, preventing backorders
  • Improves budgeting

Sample ROI for Midsized Target Hospital

Current Spending

  • $50M annually
  • 48,000 bins
  • Cost inefficiencies, 20% savings
  • $6-9M in annual waste, lost or theft
  • $63,000 monthly/$756,000 annual front end counting cost
  • What if we only achieve half of the industry savings projections
  • What would you do with a complete view of the supply chain instead of just empty bins across the enterprise